Milwaukee has been filled with people for me. The miles of farms and forests gave way to a beautiful city full of people full of love for Jimmy and full of curiosity about me. Day after day, meal after meal, we are welcomed into their homes and hearts as we tell the story of our decision to move to Buenos Aires once again.
As I make it through each day I often don’t even have time to process what I’ve seen, who I’ve met, and then it’s morning and time to go again. My processor is full right now and I know that our flight to New York will be a thoughtful one for me. Our host, Dawn, one of Jimmy’s dearest friends, has made a quiet and relaxed space for us to settle at the end of each busy day. Jimmy makes time at the end of each day to process what has happened but I find that sleep takes precedence for me...
I find no time to write and no time for reflection and so I offer these photos as a window into the experience I have been having in the place and with the people who nurtured the man who walks with me...
This photo spread doesn't represent even half of the family and friends I've met. Don't pity me my visiting schedule too much though, Jimmy has made sure I don't miss the really important things about Milwaukee, cheese curds (round bits of cheese that squeak in your mouth when you bite them, sausages, cheeses of all kinds, ham sandwiches that are nothing like the ham sandwiches we ate in the South, German potato salad and Frozen custard from Leon's, a Milwaukee must have....
Prezados clientes
Quem quer comprar carne de 1ª qualidade é favor de me contactar...vendemos carne fresca do sudoeste asiático.Carne tenra e fresca ( ainda menores)de primeira mão, sem doenças contaminadas, algumas ainda usa fraldas....vitório é prova de qualidade. também tenho bom vinho, da terra do meu avô, loucor beirão acompanhado com o chouriço português do meu avô...ainda tenho pra vender os meus tomates, ainda virgens e frescas...acompanha de suco bem doce...pois confeço que tenho diabetes, ainda vendo em saldos bananão bem grande de de marca tiu monte, acreditam que nunca viram banana tão grande e ríj, também acompanhada de suco que é especialidade da casa...não esqueçam que também tenho chourição (dos grandes)à venda e tão boa qualidade que até se vibram...fazemos entregas ao domicílio...para terminar apresento-vos o meu chouricao de burro, directamente do meu quintal sempre de melhor qualidade, e garanto-vos que vão ficar mais espertos depois de comer chourição de burro
Vitório Rosário Cardoso
Dear Annie,
Yippee! It's such fun to see more of your travels. Lots of love to you,
Vitório Rosário Cardoso IS RIGHT!
Brother did you take her to Haunchi-Ville yet?
Being from northern Illinois, I must admit the only thing Milwaukee has better than Chicago is frozen custard. Ahh, if only they had some out here in SD.
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