JOURNAL ENTRY - 6-19-2008 - Day 27 --- On the plane to New York
As of today we no longer have a single key for anything. Our last key, the one for my car, was handed over to my parents along with the title this afternoon.
From my belt loop now hangs an empty carabiner. I leave it clipped there, a reminder to myself of a freedom that I have not known for a long time. We have no home and we have no vehicle - just a few suitcases, our laptops and my guitar.
It was somewhat eerie as we checked in at the airport today knowing these bags were all that materially represented us now. There's nowhere to go back to. No car sitting in a distant, treeless airport parking lot. Instead our path meanders only forward.
Wisconsin seemed a fitting place to leave my last key, the place where it all started. Here in a small stone house, on a wooded lot that in my memory was always surrounded by corn fields. I came into the world here with no keys and now, even if only for a while, I feel like I have returned to that simpler state of mind, falling in sense off "the grid".
Stereotypically I think of a hometown as a place to rest, but that was nowhere near the case for us with all the friends and family that shared their time with us. So we're headed to New York to relax. Or something like that. As Annie would say "You can rest when you are dead", and thus far, as a motto, that has served us well.
To all those we leave behind in Wisconsin I send you much love and thank you for all the support and well wishes you send us off with. It was good to be home.
Currently Listening To:
Michael Franti & Spearhead
Currently Reading:
The 737 safety card in the seat pocket in front of me.
Current Daydream:
A world where robots and apes cohabitate.
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