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We have been absent of internet for the last three days. We spent the night of Day 17 in the Alexander Mansion, a wonderful bed and breakfast located in Winona, Minnesota on the Mississippi River. Staying at a place that was built in 1880 and looked like it was out of the movie Clue was a welcomed break from the highway hotel scene.
Neither of us slept in very late on the morning of Day 18 because we both knew that the following day we would finally cross the Mississippi River into Wisconsin, and after a couple hours of driving Annie would, for the first time ever, get to meet some of my relatives, my Auntie Barb and Uncle David.
She was nervous. Of course me saying "Holy crap, I can't believe you're actually gonna meet another Danko today" probably didn't help much. So I kept saying it, while simultaneously beating on invisible kettle drums similar to when Sauron's Orc army marched in Lord of the Rings.
As I knew it would though, everything went well and was free or Orc darkness. We arrived at their secluded country house in mid-afternoon. When we crossed The River into WI the first thing I did was buy $25 worth of fireworks, so when we got to the beginning of their 100 yard gravel driveway, I stepped out of the car and lit few of bottle rockets off to let them know we had arrived. From that point on we were well taken care of.
Highlights of our stay in Gilman, WI:
1. Going four wheelin'.
2. Using a 223 Mossberg hunting rifle to shoot spray paint cans, old hubcaps, license plates, and a truck cap on which I spray painted a giant blue target and the word FREEDOM (laughs).
3. Lighting off more fireworks.
4. Tuesday morning Annie made fresh buttermilk biscuits.
5. Throughout our stay on their property we saw: deer, sandhill cranes, wild turkey
(the bird and the whiskey), a wolf, a bald eagle and a ton of cows.
6. Eating venison sandwiches, venison sausage, rabbit stew, pheasant alfredo - all made with wild game they had caught.
7. Tuesday night we drank, watched historical documentaries on public television and talked history.
8. Being away from civilization.
9. Seeing a chainsaw graveyard.
10. Eating "squeaky" cheese curds.
11. Wrestling with a black lab named Hollis Jackson.
12. Annie survived the inaugural meeting of my relatives.
13. My Uncle holding this sign he so proudly stole from the neighbors.

Today we head down to Milwaukee and ever deeper into the Land of the Dank...Muhahahahahahahahahahaaha!!!
1 comment:
quem quer comprar carne de 1ª qualidade é favor de me contactar…vendemos carne fresca do sudoeste asiático.Carne tenra e fresca ( ainda menores)de primeira mão, sem doenças contaminadas, algumas ainda usa fraldas….vitório é prova de qualidade. também tenho bom vinho, da terra do meu avô, loucor beirão acompanhado com o chouriço português do meu avô…ainda tenho pra vender os meus tomates, ainda virgens e frescas…acompanha de suco bem doce…pois confeço que tenho diabetes, ainda vendo em saldos bananão bem grande de de marca tiu monte, acreditam que nunca viram banana tão grande e rígida, também acompanhada de suco que é especialidade da casa…não esqueçam que também tenho chourição (dos grandes)à venda e tão boa qualidade que até se vibram…fazemos entregas ao domicílio…para terminar apresento-vos o meu chouricao de burro, directamente do meu quintal sempre de melhor qualidade, e garanto-vos quevao ficar mais espertos depois de comer chouricao de burro!
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