Another drive brings us to our final stop before we leave the United States. Philadelphia was one of my favorite stops on our trip and it’s hard to even describe why. We didn’t do that much but my experience of the city was rich and warm. My friend Harvey lives there with his partner Kevin and their son Evan. After a long hot drive from Boston we had iced water on the cooling roof of their brownstone and watched Evan play way past his bedtime.
The next morning Jimmy and I walked around the city for a while. We stopped to see the Liberty Bell, which we now refer to as “The Broke Assed Bell That Probably Didn’t Even Ring On Any Special Days Because It Broke Coming Over From England & The Tower They Kept It In Was Falling Down On Independence Day”. We saw it nonetheless. We walked until we got tired and then rented bikes and rode around the city. We rode over the Benjamin Franklin Bridge into New Jersey. We ate Philly Cheesesteaks with fried onions and Cheese Whiz on them, and onion rings, for lunch. We had dinner at a great sushi place.
Yesterday we left our apartment in Olde City and while Jimmy rode around taking photographs of the amazing, well, old city, I rode over to the oldest Bikram yoga studio on the East Coast. It smells like the oldest studio. Really. It also has great teachers and I had a great yoga class. We had lunch and hung out and rested until it was time to go to dinner, at the same sushi place, with Harvey and his boys. We talked, walked down the street for ice cream and a martini later were asleep in our loft.
This morning we got up early and packed and on the way out of town stopped at the Philadelphia Art Museum. I saw some amazing things and enjoyed looking at art with my favorite artist. We hit the road in time to make DC for sushi (I’m noticing a trend here;)~ and are now settling in to our last hotel.
Tomorrow we’ll head out to explore the Capitol of the country we are leaving and likely have dinner with another friend. Maybe we’ll venture out for something besides sushi;)~ As we settle in to this final stop I find myself antsy. It is a nervous energy that leaves me tossing in bed and dreaming of days to come in another place. I have to remind myself to stay here in this moment. We have some adventures left to have here before the grand adventure of a new life in a new country begins.
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