I have journeyed 44 years on this planet, 44 days on this journey alone. I have many miles to go before my time here is over, I think. As I look back at the major turning points along the journey; the day I left home, the day my son was born, the day I first knew I needed help with something, the day I learned the world was not about me, and more, I see them so very clearly. They are moments of deep connection with others, with the Universe, with the woman I want to be. This is one of those moments. I feel the sun shining on the values I hold closest to my heart:
I am scared sometimes. In some of these moments Jimmy gets to see me at my worst. He is kind and understanding, patient. He knows I am trying. I have some adjustments to make (you think?) and they will be fun if I let them be. If I will hold to those 5 things, the final one most of all, I will walk this journey with my head held high and my heart full of hope.
Tonight Jimmy, in his wisdom & joyful love, shared a glass of wine with me and danced me around the living room. The toast he asked me for came easily. “To the building blocks of a new life; Hope, Trust, Laughter & Love” One more dance around this strange living room in a strange country and then off to our quiet corners to process the day we both go.
My gift from Jimmy today is a journal to replace the one I mailed yesterday from Washington to my son Alex. The name of that journal was,
Satyagraha: Holding Firmly to the Truth - What I learned in 44 days on the road from San Diego to Buenos Aires & the 44 years before that
That journal was filled, page by page, with the things I think I know. It is my prayer that in it I have given my son a gift that will remind him who I am, where he comes from, the stuff he is made of, and more than any of that, how much I love him. That I will always be here with him, no matter how many miles separate us.
This new one will be filled with new information, new perspectives. It will be a place to process the new things I’m learning about the new place I’m living and the new people I am coming to know and love.
Jimmy and I both played with words today as we got used to saying things like we “live in Buenos Aires.” We walked the streets of the city, bought minutes for our phone, went to the grocery store (which we found closed) and found a couple of restaurants we’ll go back to, certainly. We made a plan for tomorrow, day 45. In 4 days I will turn 45. I know this year, as I knew last year on my birthday, will be an amazing year. I wonder if I will ever have another birthday when I do not think that....
Annie Ory Buenos Aires, Argentina
Love is all there is, nothing else is real....